Skye Darkheart

    Writing is a passion that will live on in me for many years to come. You never truly feel the same feeling as you get when your character comes to life in a story you wrote. Seeing positive comments on your writing is one of the best feelings ever because you gave someone an adventure to explore. A dream of mine is to entertain people through my writing, dragging them through spectacular worlds that I created. I know that the writing world is hard to get noticed in, but I will not stop fighting until I reach my goals of spreading my adventures worldwide. Yes, I am young and inexperienced but that is just more inspiration to reach for the stars and show the world my true colors. I get addictd to the colorful words that taint pages and I hope to get someone else addicted to my novels. I'm infatuated with writing fantasy and how you can build almost anything because after all, it is make belive. 
     After I finish high school, I plan on getting a degree in Creative Writing and then a degree in teaching. I found an intreset in teaching and so now I really want to teach a creative writing class to help other young writers open up their creativity.

    My biggest inspiration is my friends and family. They've been so supportative and I honestly do not know where I would be without them, so I thank all my friends that have been there for me.

Name: Skye Darkheart

Age: 15 3/4 (Yes 3/4, birthday's next month )

Grade: Freshmen


I honestly feel like a very optimistic person when it comes to my everyday life. I always love it when I get someone to laugh or smile. My personalitiy is one of many styles ranging from an awkward turtle to possibly a ninja... I really value friendship and I have a special connection to my close friends that includes so many inside jokes. I am also that friend that everyone can lean on because they know I will be there for them through thick and thin! I see myself like a rainbow; an arrangment of different colors. I may be short and small, but my heart could reach the stars! My biggest philosophy is to try new things and don't hold back because it's better to regret something you did than to regret never doing it at all. Plus, you never know what will happen unless you let it happen.


Favorite color: Purple

Favorite animal: Penguins and turtles :p

Favorite food: Hmm, really craving Chinese lately...

Dream job: Best selling author 

Wants: To travel the world

Dream location: Kinda want to live in Enlgand for a couple months.

Favorite genre: Fiction/ fantasy

Pets: I have a fat, lazy orange tabby kitty named Charlie, a 2 year old black lab mix, Sadie, and lastly an about one year old ragdoll mix, Winter.

I live with my mother, Melissa, father, Scott and younger sister, Hayley. Also have an older brother, Dakoda, starting off his life in Washington.

My hobbies include hanging out in the sun, painting, writing, and anything to do with having a laugh with a group of friends.

Topic: Skye Darkheart

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